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Leaves of Grass, Simplicity in Poetry

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Book Code: 1111015299220

Walt Whitman

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About The Book" Leaves of Grass" stands as a poetry compilation authored by Walt Whitman, an American poet. While initially published in 1855, Whitman dedicated the bulk of his career to refining, augmenting, and reworking the collection until his demise in 1892. This anthology, comprising loosely interconnected verses, serves as an exaltation of Whitman's life and human philosophy, extolling both nature and the individual's place within it. Rather than delving into religious or spiritual domains, "Leaves of Grass" predominantly delves into the corporeal and material world.



About The Author:  Walt Whitman (1819–1892), a prominent American poet, blended transcendentalism and realism in his influential works. Known as the father of free verse, his 1855 collection "Leaves of Grass" stirred controversy due to its sensual content. Leaving school at 11, Whitman worked as a journalist, teacher, and clerk. "Leaves of Grass," funded by him, aimed to connect with ordinary people through an American epic. During the Civil War, he cared for wounded soldiers and penned poems of loss and healing. He commemorated Lincoln's assassination in poems and lectures. Whitman's impact on American poetry remains profound, shaping cultural understanding and inspiring artists.



BOOK - I: INSCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................... 9
BOOK - II: STARTING FROM PAUMANOK................................................... 18
BOOK - III: SONG OF MYSELF ......................................................................... 28
BOOK - IV: CHILDREN OF ADAM................................................................... 72
BOOK - V: CALAMUS ........................................................................................... 87
BOOK - VI: SALUT AU MONDE! ..................................................................... 101
BOOK - VII: SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD ................................................... 109
BOOK - VIII: CROSSING BROOKLYN FERRY ............................................117
BOOK - IX: SONG OF THE ANSWERER ...................................................... 122
BOOK - X: OUR OLD FEUILLAGE ................................................................. 126
BOOK - XI: A SONG OF JOYS .......................................................................... 130
BOOK - XII: SONG OF THE BROAD-AXE .................................................... 136
BOOK - XIII: SONG OF THE EXPOSITION................................................. 145
BOOK - XIV: SONG OF THE REDWOOD-TREE......................................... 152
BOOK - XV: A SONG FOR OCCUPATIONS ................................................ 156
BOOK - XVI: A SONG OF THE ROLLING EARTH .................................... 162
BOOK - XVII: BIRDS OF PASSAGE ................................................................ 167
BOOK - XVIII: A BROADWAY PAGEANT..................................................... 178
BOOK - XIX: SEA-DRIFT ................................................................................... 181
BOOK - XX: BY THE ROADSIDE .................................................................... 193
BOOK - XXI: DRUM-TAPS ................................................................................. 202
BOOK - XXII: MEMORIES OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN ........................... 232
BOOK - XXIII: BY BLUE ONTARIO’S SHORE ............................................ 240
BOOK - XXIV: AUTUMN RIVULETS ............................................................. 252
BOOK - XXV: PROUD MUSIC OF THE STORM ........................................ 281
BOOK - XXVI: PASSAGE TO INDIA............................................................... 286
BOOK - XXVII: PRAYER OF COLUMBUS ................................................... 294
BOOK - XXVIII: THE SLEEPERS .................................................................... 296
BOOK - XXIX: TO THINK OF TIME .............................................................. 303
BOOK - XXX: WHISPERS OF HEAVENLY DEATH ................................... 308
BOOK - XXXII: FROM NOON TO STARRY NIGHT.................................. 321
BOOK - XXXIII: SONGS OF PARTING.......................................................... 337
BOOK - XXXIV: SANDS AT SEVENTY .......................................................... 348
BOOK - XXXV: GOOD-BYE MY FANCY....................................................... 365








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